Sunday, August 23, 2020
Erbie, Arkansas
Memorial Day (archive 5/25/20)
Memorial Day
(Archived 5/25/20 Day 880)
Dear Ian,
Just so you know, I told your cousin Chelsea that you are my hero.
I told her that I have been thinking of the word "memorial" coming from "memory", and another derivative, the word "remember". Funny to think that the word "member' is in there, too.
MEMBER: a person, animal, or plant belonging to a particular group; a constituent piece of a complex structure. a part or organ of the body, especially a limb.
Seemed so right to think of you on Memorial Day as all of these things, and also as one a bit more patriotic; more "memorable", so to someone brave. A WARRIOR...... Yes, we are supposed to remember our warriors, are we not?
Yet you never died, You never die, You never will. And I am so terribly proud of you in my sadness. You were a warrior to the cause, the real cause of all this spinning craziness. And I am proud.
In this world of ideas and frames, You are real, honest and whole...always were. Still are. It is no surprise to me, at all, that You have gone out to the furthest, most ancient realms of space and time.
To creation times.
When you were here with me, I never saw real fear or hesitance in your desire to explore life, every edge and corner and nook of it; never faltered when there was a fight or a cause or a principle at stake. It was as if you had just not been born with that one human gene we all have....the one that makes a person unsure of where to put your foot.
You put your foot everywhere.
So I guess all this foot-putting was just practice for where you are now, out there and here in the vastness. Same heart power you have ever had, my warrior son. I am a proud Mom and I know the uniqueness of You...which makes me a little proud of me, too.
Love Mom